What is Your Superpower?
Everyone has a superpower. Be sure to discover yours and lean into it along with others to build a great culture and team.

I was speaking with an investor the other day in the context of what we look for in a founder. One topic we discussed was understanding what was the entrepreneur’s superpower. I believe everyone has a superpower, although it may not be obvious to the person. Here is how I define a superpower and what that looks like.
What is a superpower?
I believe there is something(s) that you do 10x better than the average person. It could be an ability to see and set a vision for the future, ability to quickly build authentic relationships and lead people, ability to logically break down complex problems into simple solutions, etc. However, this superpower is often hard for the person to realize. That is because they do it so naturally, they don’t realize how hard it is for everyone else. They love it so much, it doesn’t feel like effort or work when they are doing it all the time.
How do you find it?
So how do you find out your superpower if you can’t realize it? First, it takes time and experience to realize on your own; but there are likely people around you (family, friends, co-workers) who experience it all the time and are amazed. If you ask them, they could tell you right away. As an example, all three of my children have different super powers that are easily apparent to me, yet it will take years for them to fully understand and leverage their gifts.
How do you build your team around it?
It is important early in your career to find your superpower so you can lean into it. I also recommend finding co-founders that have complimentary superpowers (i.e. one is sales/relationship oriented, one is tech oriented) yet share the same common values. As you build your team, understand each person’s superpower and pull together the right combination of people that can rapidly grow your business.
Everyone has a superpower. Be sure to discover yours and lean into it along with others to build a great culture and team.