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Looking for Investment?

Have >10 unaffiliated, passionate, paying customers?
 Let's talk! 

We Help You Scale

Getting those first paying customers is one of the toughest challenges for entrepreneurs. But once you've starting getting traction and proven authentic demand, the art of going to market meets science and vice versa. More data gives you insight into the size of your addressable market and you're your way to Product/Market fit.

After achieving Product/Market fit, you may even find yourself well on your way to hitting a milestone very few companies ever reach: $1M in ARR. We love partnering with entrepreneurs at this stage of the journey. 

Whether the nomenclature is Pre Seed, Seed Round, A Round, B Round or more, we welcome the opportunity to help you fulfill your entrepreneurial ambitions. 

Typically, we invest $250K - $5 Million in companies. Historically, we led the Series A of Calendly and Terminus, the Series B of SalesLoft, and several Seed rounds, most recently: Grayscale, Reframe App, Intown Golf Club, and Greenzie. 

We make and communicate decisions quickly.

At a certain point in your business, the opportunity cost of not raising money becomes too large and obvious. Partnering with the right team will be one of the most important decisions in your professional life. We value this decision and have been honored to work with unicorns of yesterday, today, and hopefully tomorrow.

Want to connect? Let's Talk!
Kyle porter site image

“Atlanta Ventures was a perfect launching point and resource for Salesloft to scale. The resources and opportunities we received propelled us forward in ways we could not have achieved on our own. There’s no doubt Salesloft wouldn’t be where we are without them!”

-Kyle Porter

Founder, CEO – Salesloft

Read his Founder Story