
Not All Revenue is the Same

One dollar of revenue does not always equal another dollar of revenue

A.T. Gimbel
See Profile
January 17, 2023

After one of my recent posts, I got a great question asking why investors ignore certain companies with revenue (thank you Eli). I have written before on different types of revenue models, but based on that question here are a few reasons why not all revenue is the same.

Recurring nature

The best kind of revenue is recurring (i.e. $X per month or year). This revenue can grow on its own (i.e. adding more users/upsells), often has a value proposition that shows the solution is part of the workflow, is predictable for cash flow, and has higher retention. On the opposite end of the spectrum, one-time revenue sales have to be re-sold each year, have higher attrition, less predictability, etc. So $1M in annual recurring revenue is far better than $1M in one-time sales.

Margin profile

Some products (i.e. data/software) have really high (>80% gross margins), so that dollar of revenue brings a lot to the bottom line. Other products (i.e. physical product or service) have much lower gross margins and may only drop 20-30% to the bottom line. So naturally, a dollar of higher margin revenue is better than a dollar of lower margin revenue.

Growth rate

This one is simple and obvious, but two companies both have $1M in revenue. If one was 5% growth from last year and the other grew 100% from last year, the higher growth rate is often more attractive and indicative of future growth.

Customers/use cases

This one is a little more complex but important. One key dimension for early stage startups is use case: how many different use cases/problems make up the revenue? This is an early indication of product-market fit. Focused use cases and value props are better than no consistency in customers and use cases. Another dimension is friendlies: how were the new customers acquired? If cold outreach and a sales process were in play, that can be more indicative of authentic demand than just five customers that were all friends from previous relationships. A third dimension is concentration: $1M of revenue concentrated in one customer is a lot riskier than $1M of revenue spread across many customers.

There are many additional nuances, but these are a few of the key reasons that $1 of revenue is not necessarily the same as another $1 of revenue.

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