Building your Team with 30,60,90 Day Plan
With the 30, 60, 90 day plan, hiring and growing your team becomes easy, efficient and effective.

When hiring and growing the team, it can be daunting on both ends to get accustomed to the position. As a founder, it's important to lay out the groundwork and articulate what the goals and projects will be.
That’s where the 30, 60, 90 day plan comes in. By blocking off the tasks a position has into this time-frame, a new employee will understand their role within the organization, the objectives that they need to accomplish, and be more comfortable in the ever-changing startup world environment.
The tasks for employees in the first 30 days revolve around understanding the company. Getting accustomed to company culture and team dynamics is an essential step. Creating and highlighting SMART goals is another great step, as it allows the employee to take initiative. Understanding the tools and techniques that the company uses also allows the employee to be prepared for the future.
By the 30 day mark, projects will be underway and daily tasks should be more comfortable. As they continue, goals should transition into more long term goals, such as for the next quarter/year. Tangible contribution is also a strong emphasis for this time period, as it is when the position should be more comfortable and less guidance should be needed. Research into larger projects and what can be done to improve efficiency and productivity should be in the forefront of the 30-60 day period.
By the last phase of the 30,60,90 day plan, the employee should be able to perform their daily/weekly tasks efficiently and effectively. Moving forwards, they should look to identify key identities to their role. Thorough, critical reflection on what goals were achieved and what needs to be improved should be taken. Finally, it’s important to look into unique contributions to the team and company.
While these time frames highlight important goals and objectives new employees should look to achieve, it's important to understand flexibility in creating the plan. Different positions will have different learning phases; different startups will have different goals. With thorough introspection and planning to what the company and team needs, the transition from new employee to an autonomous, functioning member of the team will be as efficient and effortless.