Build your new product with development partners
Nothing beats authentic feedback from real customers. Find a development partner that can help you iterate quickly and get your product out

It's a win win for both sides
One of the challenges when launching a new product is how to get real feedback while it is built. I have made and seen many mistakes building too much “in the lab” and not enough “in the field.” No matter what great product ideas you have, I inevitably find customers will value certain features more/less than you think. One trick I have learned is to build a new product with development partners (and no I am not talking about outsourced dev shops). So what do I mean?
Who are good development partners
Through customer discovery you have likely spoken to potential customers who are leaning in. They are asking questions highlighting potential authentic demand. These potential customers are often so excited they would put money down to pre-purchase the product and then help provide feedback as you build out the product with them. They become an amazing resource for faster/better product feedback, as well as helping you better refine your value proposition and go-to-market strategy.
What are the advantages to development partners
Development partners get the advantage of helping directly shape a product that will solve their problem. They often get a pricing discount for this level of effort. But another huge benefit is they really enjoy the process. Imagine a typical company that struggles with innovation and employees may feel stuck in the same rut. This is an opportunity to be shaping a cool new product and partnering with a startup that can move fast and make things happen. This becomes an exciting project that can directly help them solve their problem and make them look good inside their company.
What are the advantages to you
In addition to finding early paying customers, you get much quicker, real-time feedback as you iterate through product cycles. This allows you to quickly pivot off product areas that might not be valuable, as well as double down on areas that drive the value. You learn much better information on ROI, messaging, and how to pitch/sell your product. Lastly, development partners will tell you when the product is “good enough” to go live so you can get that first version out in the market. They also become great sources of referrals and case studies.
Nothing beats authentic feedback from real customers, especially when they feel like they are part of the team to build an amazing solution that solves a must-have problem. Instead of building your first product internally, find a development partner to go build with!